Monday, December 3, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

I was dancing with my niece when she announced that I was "the Beast" and she was "Belle."

I was immediately offended and then a bit offended by my initial reaction.

I would have been any other male character, but I didn't want to be the Beast because he's ugly. Which is, of course, the exact OPPOSITE point of the story.

(To be fair, my 3-year-old niece only looked at the height disparity, as the reason why, to recreate the Beauty & the Beast waltz scene, I needed to be the Beast. A disparity, I'm compelled to point out, which may only last a few more years.)

To my initial point...

Once I got over my initial "are you saying I'm not pretty?!?!?!" revulsion, I realized that the Beast does embody some attributes that I appreciate: he's kind; he's protective of the beings that he loves.

He also has superhuman beast strength, which, when coupled with a "ROAR!!!" seemed to justify to my niece why I had to pick her up and carry her to nap time/potty time etc.


Unknown said...

Superhuman. Strength. Totally worth being ugly, in my opinion.

Madame said...

Yeah, while I list "superhuman strength" last, it really was the initial point of acceptance in being The Big Beast. Followed by the novelty of being called The Big _________ anything.